In keeping with games run at TravellerCon-USA 2014 I ran a space combat game using some of the Classic Traveller ship minis from RAFM. A couple of Full Thrust Islamic cruisers converted into Vargr Corsairs and two Studio Bergstrom fighters used as Rampart fighters. We used the GURPS Traveller Starship combat rules.
The pirate forces.
The Lab ship is the objective for the pirates.
Bottom to top: Gazelle class close escort, S-class scout, Subsidized merchant, Vargr corsair and a second Vargr corsair.
The rescue forces.
Left to right: 2 Rampart fighters, a Patrol cruiser, Far Trader merchant with a rescue team on board, a second Patrol cruiser.
The scenario, research ship Sagan a 400 ton Lab ship has gone silent. Local authorities have dispatched a small rescue team, the pirates have sent in a small force to retrieve valuable equipment/data from the lab ship. Victory conditions: the pirates must dock the Subsidized merchant with the Lab ship for 3 turns then escape. The rescue team must stop them.
Final turn. Oh the humaniti! The Subsidized merchant is off the board to represent it being docked with the Lab ship.
End of battle, the Subsidized merchant had docked with the Lab ship and had suffered about 50% damage.
the Close Escort had taken minimal damage,
both Vargr corsairs undamaged,
the Scout 50% damaged,
both fighter pilots dead,
the Far Trader obliterated by 2 Particle beam hits at close range,
the first Patrol cruiser 30% damage,
the second Patrol cruiser minimal.
We ran out of time this being a Sunday convention game so we called it a pirate victory. Assessment: the Close Escort was king of the battle with it's heavy armor and array of weapons the rescue team was no match for it. The fighters did prove to be elusive keeping themselves just out of full damage range. .